Lessons_Schedule_2023-2024 – 2nd Semester
Lessons scheduled at SSSA Pontedera [Polo Sant’Anna Valdera] will be given at The BioRobotics Institute, viale Piaggio 34, Pontedera, ROOM1 [ map ] [ how to reach ]
Lessons scheduled in Pisa [ detailed map ] – All students are required to make their selection on the TEACHING AGENDA by the Wednesdays prior to the starting week of each course. Shortly the app will be implemented, allowing students to book their “in presence” attendance every two weeks.
[Rooms B / SI] are located in Pisa, Aula Studio Polo Etruria, Via Giovanni Cimabue, 2, Pisa [ map ]
[Rooms C ] are located in Pisa, Aula Studio Polo Etruria, Polo C, Via Giovanni Cimabue, 2, Pisa [ map ]
[Rooms F ] are located in Pisa, Aula Studio Polo Etruria, Polo F, Via Diotisalvi, Pisa [ map ]
IMT is located in Lucca [ map ]